Creepy Crafts for a Howling Halloween
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Not only do I get to spend a night with my son trick-or-treating and reminiscing of my own childhood, but I also get to decorate my rarely seen yard. It is a good thing I do it as a family tradition and enjoyment for my family and not so much as to be seen by others because when you live in the middle of nowhere, few see your efforts! This year, like those in the past, I have decorated with my props but in addition I found some awesome ideas that I have used to make my own decorations, which are in my humble opinion, much cooler than those you can buy in stores now days. If you are interested in my creations just read on and see them in all their creepy awesomeness!
The first decoration I decided to make was my own ground breaker hands. These decorations are expensive in stores but this year my pocketbook breathed a sigh of relief. This craft is simple, inexpensive, requires little time, and very neat when complete. Interested yet??? Here's how to make your own!
You will need:
* Cheap pair /pairs of white or clear gloves
* Sand
* Rubber bands or hair ties
* Black nail polish
Once you have all the necessary supplies stretch the glove over your hand to stretch it so that you can fill it with sand. Make it look as realistic as possible in size to an actual human hand with the sand. Make sure the sand fills the fingers of the gloves well or you will not be able to pose the glove as the photos show. Once the glove is a comparable hand size and the fingers are full tie it off with a rubber band or hair tie. You are ready to practice your manicurist skills. Press on the ends of the fingers to make a nail impression in the glove. I traced the impression with a cheap black nail polish and then went back and colored it in so as to not make a huge mess of the fingers. According to coverage you may want to let the polish completely dry and then recoat. I let mine sit for a few hours before I began trying to pose them. The awesome thing is as you pose them the gloves will form lines and wrinkles making the hand look as if it is real. Once the hand has the appeal you are seeking place it somewhere spooky. I placed mine in the front yard in my "Rest Your Bones Cemetary." To secure the gloves in their location I used large nails ran through the gloves below the tie and then shoved into the ground. To amp up the scary effect for your hands you can also add fake blood. Be creative and make your hands an original work, I read that you can add fake fur and have werewolf hands, or you might want to paint them green to represent monster, witch, or alien hands. You could create female looking hands by changing polish color or securing press on nails with a hot glue gun. Just be careful not to melt the glove!

Next I found a cool looking, evidently controversial, body bag idea. Maybe it is better that I have off-road privacy, I sure would not want anyone to be upset at my creativity as many were in cities where this idea originated! I must warn you this craft requires more time, patience, and effort than the first one but from my experience is definately worth the extra effort.
Materials for this one will include:
* Black trash bags, I picked up an inexpensive box of 7 at the Family Dollar for a buck
* I have read many people use crumpled up newspaper for stuffing but I opted to use old clothing from storage to make a dummy body.
Rope or twine
* Plastic grocery bags
I began by making a human looking torso with an old shirt and my child's old outgrown life jacket from this past summer. I then used an old pair of my husbands jeans for the bottom half of the body. Stuff these considerably because you will need them to form a realistic human form inside the trash bags. Next, create a head shape for the body by stuffing a plastic grocery bag. Though a balloon would have been a much easier option, I did not figure it would stay inflated and it would not have offered such wonderful shaping opportunities. The plastic bags conveniently tied to the life jacket closures which saved repositioning time during dead weight placement in "Rest Your Bones Cemetary." Note do not waste your time trying to use a pumpkin or trick or treat bucket for the head, these are much too large to look realistic. Once I had the body I began covering it with the trash bags. I put the actual torso and head along with the bottom of the body inside two of the bags. I would like to mention that a few extra bucks spent for 30 gallon bags would have likely been worth the investment as this fella ended up being taller than me! On the flip side, 13 gallon will work if you have the time, patience, and dedication the deathly wrestling match will require. Once I got the body inside the bags I quickly noticed the life jacket held it own with form but made the bottom half of the body look extra small and the arms vanish. Never fear, I am a creative soul who enjoys a good challenge, a few old pairs of my husbands unmatched and worn out socks later this guy had perfect arms. A bit more stuffing and the bottom was proportioned and I was ready to begin tying. Once all body parts were attached and tucked in a trash bag I began to wrap trash bags around any naked or light areas in the body and shape the form. It was not too long and I have an exceptionally creepy looking body laying in my floor. The thing looked so realistic that I honestly hoped no one came visiting or else I might be explaining to an officer that the thing lying in my den floor was in fact not a human carcass. To set off the cemetary scene I placed my son's shovel in the ground by the body bag and tied a grim reaper to the handle, to look as if the poor person was awaiting a shallow grave.
Awe yourself with more of my creepy creative decorating prepare yourself and click here!
Comments or your own creative ideas,please leave a comment. I am always up for a new craft, especially for Halloween!
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