Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dale Hollow Lake

LOL if this tells you how fun my town is the whole town has went wild over Dale Hollow Dam opening it's flood gates. This would not be a big deal except it is the first time it has been done in like 22 years. LOL yeah I was like 6 the last time those gates were opened! WOW I was a kid once I know hard to imagine. Anyway I learned of this "big" deal yesterday but had to work so had no time to go check it out today how ever I only worked until 2 and my son had taken his Pre-K field trip up there and he really enjoyed it so I decided that me and him would go back after I picked him up from school. After all I mean it is not an everyday thing here and I wouldn't want to miss it.

First off I had no camera so I had to go back to work and purchase a disposable one so yes I have pics but just not yet providing they took well with my incapability of using an "old fashioned" camera. While there my son got him a mountain dew and we got us some chips. YES I am going to wire him before we go move mom! We finally got on our way to our destination. LMAO after my son asks mom you sure you know where the dam son I have only lived in this town all my life. Long story short we found the dam imagine that! It was beautiful! The water was as white as snow spilling over the side of the dam and on the other side you could see the large fish swimming. There was a gold fish in there, yes a gold fish, I assume an unwanted pet almost as big as my dang cat! My lil one loved being able to see the fish so the next good day mommy has off we are going to visit the fish hatchery to let him get a close up look at some of those big fish. We walked across the dam taking pictures as we went. My son wanted to get a "closer" look and I noticed that a lot of people were down around the barriers of the water so I decided we would indeed drive not go plowing over the hillside to fall and tumble into the turblant waters below to get some better views and pics.

Once down to the waters barrier you could see just how strong the falls were. The wind was just right on occasion catching the water to sprinkle you with a cool mist. I had been told that if you looked at just the right time you would see the fish come tumbling over the gates and it was true we ended up seeing 4 or 5 while we were there. I have yet to meet a stranger so before I left I had borrowed a guys binoculars to get a closer look at the water, struck up a conversation with him and learned he knew some of the kin folk, and then had a lady take a few pics of me and my little boy. We stayed there I bet at least an hour to an hour and a half just watching the water and talking with the people we were meeting. I have to say despite me being tired from just getting off work I enjoyed it and besides I needed the exercise anyway.

My son and I decided to have pizza for supper so we stopped in at Jacks on the way home to grab us a couple slices. We also ended up with a huge M & M cookie and a Yahoo somehow LOL. O and yeah a lottery ticket I am sure is a winner this has to be LOL. The day closed and night set in and I ended up where I can be found most

P.S if the pics turn out good upon being developed I will post a few. Dang it has been a long time since I have had to wait to get my pics! I don't think I like it. I want them now...sorta like I want everything else...right then and there when and where I want it....anyone else like that? To the few I sent the texts with the pics from my cell I hope these are better!

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